- OPAC catalogue for the Dombibliothek's collection
- Finding aids for our C-Files and incunables
- Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts
- Volume 1 (STÄHLI, Marlis, Helmar HÄRTEL, Renate GIERMANN u. Marina ARNOLD: Handschriften der Dombibliothek zu Hildesheim: Teil 1. Hs 124a - Hs 698. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. (Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Niedersachsen; H. 8))
- Volume 2 (GIERMANN, Renate, u. Helmar HÄRTEL unter Mitarb. von Marina ARNOLD: Handschriften der Dombibliothek zu Hildesheim: Teil 2. Hs 700-1050, St. God. Nr. 1-51, Ps 1-6, J 23-95. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993. (Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Niedersachsen; H. 9))
- The GBV is the Common Library Network of the German states Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and the Foundation of Prussian Cultural Heritage.
- Der VThK is a Meta-Catalogue accessing 8 million media – including 1 million articles – from theological and religious special libraries of churches in the german speaking area.
- The AKThB is a Consortium of Catholic Theological libraries.
- The VKWB is the association of religious-scholarly libraries of the Protestant Churches in Germany.
- The St Albans Psalter is the Dombibliothek's most valuable manuscript. A project with the University of Aberdeen, financed by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), saw the St Albans Psalter made available for everyone via a special website.
- Two Medingen Manuscripts were digitized for the project "Manuscripts from German speaking lands" in 2019 and are public for everyone: HS J 27 und HS J 29.